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GET /schedule

The GET /schedule endpoint is used to retrieve the streams schedule, providing information about the status of the streams of the differnt events. For example, you can check if a stream is live or not.


  • Accept: application/json

Query Parameters

  • live: If this paramter is present and set to 1, only the scheduled elements which are currently live will be retrieved.

  • upcoming: If this paramter is present and set to 1, only the upcoming scheduled elements will be retrieved.

  • days: When the upcoming parameter is set to 1, the days parameter can be used to delimit the number of days in the future for the scheduled elements.

  • content_id: used to filter the scheduled elements by the content or live event they belong to.

    Examples: 24864

  • perPage: The maximum number of elements to get.

    Examples: 10, 20

  • page: The page number to get. Here are some example values:

    Examples: 1, 4

  • timeZone: Used to inform about the timezone of the user. When this parameter is present, the start and end dates of the contents will be localised for the users via the timezone_start_date and timezone_end_date attributes.

    Examples: Europe/London, UTC+03:00, 03:00

  • order_by: Used to specify the field used to order the content. If this parameter is not specified, the contents will be ordered by cration date by default.

    Examples: created_at

  • order_direction: Allows alter the ascending or descending ordering of the results. The default value is DESC and the possible values are ASC and DESC. As an example:

    Examples: ASC, DESC